
15th October 2021

When is a 12,000 sq ft space not a 12,000 sq ft space?

…when it’s 12,030 sq ft! Neon Survey’s Director Duncan Hallam explains why it’s important for landlords to challenge property areas conveniently listed as a round number. […]
4th June 2021

Business Development Manager

Neon Surveys is a fast growing geomatics survey company using the most modern technologies and methods, with operations across the whole of the United Kingdom and […]
4th June 2021

Measured Building/Area Referencing Surveyor

Neon Surveys is a fast growing geomatics survey company using the most modern technologies and methods, with operations across the whole of the United Kingdom and […]
1st April 2021

The Role of Today’s Geomatic Surveyor

Besides the obvious surveying and reporting responsibilities, I’ve been reflecting on how the role of the Geomatic Surveyor has expanded in recent years to include logistical […]
1st March 2021

7 ways Neon Survey’s BLK2GO laser scanner speeds up your project

Providing the most accurate and efficient scanning service for you is our goal, which is why we continue to invest in the best technology to cut […]